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Watling View School

Department - Upper School

Upper School


At Watling View we have the overall aim to develop individuals social, life, independence, communication and key skills of individuals. For more information about how the Upper School achieves this please see below. 




Watling View Upper School Overview

 Pupils at Watling View Transition from Middle to Upper school at the end of Year 9 (key stage 3).  Prior to this transition we meet with parents of year 9 students to discuss the differences in approach to teaching and learning between Middle and Upper School.

 In Upper School we aim to provide continuity of approach in teaching which enables a consolidation of existing skills gained in middle school whilst developing skills which can be transferred into community and Post 19 settings.  The curriculum is tailored to developing core skills and applying them to practical life experiences.

 At the start of year 10, the Head of Department and class teacher will meet with parents to map out individual Destination Pathways which combine individual Targets, aspirations and signpost student’s routes to achieve specific outcomes as they progress through Upper School towards a preferred adult placement i.e. college, specialist day provision, work placements.  These are reviewed as part of the annual EHCP meeting and supports in delivering an individualised aspirational curriculum, that supports the Preparation for Adulthood outcomes.


A significant difference between Upper School and Lower/Middle School is the emphasis on Work Related Learning and an increased amount of vocational learning. The aim of which is to provide students with skills required to successfully engage in learning experiences which can be transferred into meaningful work experience, whether this is in the school or the wider community, including college. This is based on the individual needs of the student and therefore consistent with person centred approach to planning which runs throughout the school and at all key stages.

The school cafe provides a rich opportunity for the practical application of learnt skills and knowledge and the ability for pupils to apply these in a hands on work based way. 

 Pupils access the following work related learning/work experience learning opportunities:

  • On site work experience
  • Mini enterprise ventures
  • Tuck shop
  • St Albans Market 
  • School cafe
  • St Albans market stall
  • Mudlarks Allotements 
  • Wesley's Cafe 

Travel training is another key feature of the Upper School experience for many students. Assisted by a HLTA, pupils are supported in the community to continue to learn about road safety and for some pupils how to travel using public transport. Initially this is for short journeys but with the aim of extending this whilst reducing the level of support over time to achieve greater independence.  As part of Destination Pathways classes also support travel training when accessing the community with specific areas identified alongside parents.

Some pupils this year have successfully combined travel training to and from their work placement. 

Other learning opportunities included as part of the curriculum enrichment (theme days, special assembles and performances including Shakespeare for Schools) are also included in the Destination Pathway.

Classes have the opportunity to plan, buy then “Cook their own” lunch one day a week.  This has proved to be very popular with students and is now embedded in the timetable.  This provides young people the opportunity to combine key skills they have learnt throughout the school and apply them to cook their own lunch.

Careers Education and the Gatsby Benchmarks are embedded throughout the curriculum.  To find out more information and to see how we achieve the eight Gatsby Benchmarks please click on the link below. 

All students in Upper School have their work externally accredited and receive certification for successfully completed portfolios. Current accreditation at the school includes:

  • ASDAN (Award Scheme Development Accreditation Network)- A series of modules which promote the development of personal, social, independent and work related skills
  • AQA - Individual Skills checklists used in real- life, educational contexts


The type of Accreditation and level of support is also reflected in the teachers’ person centred planning.


What it is Like to be a Pupil In Upper School at Watling View







What Families Say About Upper School



There are not enough words to express how wonderful Watling View School is. Having a disabled child (or two!) makes life hard. We could not have done it without the staff at the school who have been by our side the entire time. We couldn't have asked for more, you feel like an extension of our family, and the school a home from home. Thank you does not seem enough, but it comes with heartfuls of love and appreciation from us all.


I can't believe the progress my son has made he is doing things that I never thought he would be able to do. 



My son is much more accepting of change, he is able to come home and talk about changes that have happened during the day. This is a very positive thing.


My son has always enjoyed coming to school. Knowing that he was at school being well looked after has been a comfort to us as parents when other things have been challenging.




Individual Destination Pathway

Below is an example of an Individual Destination Pathway. Each pupil in the Upper School has one of these and these are reviewed annually at the EHCP meeting. This document supports how the curriculum is shaped for each individual and takes into account the individual aspirations.