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Watling View School


Our Outreach consultants are practising teachers who are skilled and experienced within the field of Special Educational Needs (SEN). We support Early Years providers and mainstream schools in supporting provision for pupils who are working below national expectations - pupils with SEN. Advice and support is provided at no additional cost to the receiving school.

Watling View School Outreach Service offers support to both the school, as a whole school and/or to the individual pupils.  The package of support we offer is intended to help the school develop their own resources to meet the needs of the pupil and can involve:

  • Signposting to access other professionals and advice from relevant services
  • Pupil focused consultations which will provide the school with support for an individual pupil through:
  • support with planning, differentiating and developing a ‘small steps’ approach to learning
  • support with assessment at early levels 
  • support with teaching and learning strategies including behaviour management for children with SEN
  • use of appropriate resources
  • School focused consultations which will equip staff to maximise the learning potential of pupils with SEN in their school. This will be through training for staff development in key areas such as autism, communication, use of visual support such as symbols, assessment etc. The training can take the form of:
  • INSET / staff meetings / twilights at your school
  • Visits to Watling View School to observe practitioners model strategies and to gain ideas for resources 






Oxford Owl resources


You can email the Outreach team at this address outreach@watlingview.herts.sch.uk