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Watling View School

Harvest Festival

We all had a great time celebrating Harvest Festival this year!


Early Years enjoyed a range of activities in their classrooms, which included scooping out the insides of pumpkins, paint printing, & chopping, tasting & exploring fruits & vegetables.

Lower/Middle School classes put on a carousel of food and art related activities including: making our own toffee apples, bread dough exploration, making a scarecrow by stuffing clothes with straw, making humous and chopping vegetables, vegetable paint printing, using vegetables to make a face picture and using vegetable and fruit stencils and cut-outs. Pupils had a great time running their own stall, as well as exploring other activities.

Upper school held their annual harvest festival event on Thursday 9th October. Prior to the event, the students had been learning all about harvest produce and did some cooking with these foods in their food technology lessons. During the assembly the students talked about what they had made and then shared some of the yummy food with the parents and carers.


Thank you for all of your generous food donations, which we are able to give to the St.Albans & District Food Bank.


Harvest Festival