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Watling View School


Star of the Week 


2024-2025 Autumn Term

w/e 6 September 2024










w/e 13 September 2024















w/e 20 September 2024

Buttercups -   Well done to Lilian for completing her first full day at school!

Daisies -          Well done to Konrad for taking independent steps in the playground and practicing standing                                                independently!

Dandelions -  Well done to Harris for using symbols around class to make requests throughout the day!

Daffodils -       Well done to Eman for choosing and reading his new book 'Sip it'!

Poppies -        Well done to Ismael for great listening and completing his learning independently!

Tulips -            Well done to Spencer for completing a range of jobs at Forest School, with just verbal prompts!

                          Well done to Samuel for putting on his helmet and getting on the horse for the first time!

Lavender -      Well done to Elliot for getting into the swimming pool!

Sunflowers -   Well done to Lexi for independently communicating her needs through a total communication approach!

Roses -            Well done to Bodie for another great session at Forest School! 

                          Well done to Dylan for getting into the pool at a new swimming location!

Bluebells -      Well done to Laiba for a more proactive role in her feeding routine during snack and lunchtime!

Discoverers - Well done to Zain for great enthusiasm and effort on the Upper School fishing trip!

Voyagers -     Well done to Casper for self-regulating during our shopping trip when there was a lot of change!


w/e 27 September 2024 

Buttercups -  Well done to Rosie for settling so well into Buttercups Class!

Daisies -         Well done to James, Wilf and Ari for doing really well at their first off-site swims!

Dandelions - Well done to Harris for using symbols around class to make requests throughout the day!

Daffodils -     Well done to Jacob for brilliant swimming session off site!

Roses -           Well done to Albie for excellent communication when using switches in the sensory room!

Tulips -           Well done to Alfie for displaying amazing listening skills and following his schedule! 

Lavender -    Well done to Jannah for becoming more independent with her toileting routine and using the toilet!

Bluebells -     Well done to George for using his voice more to indicate when he needs support in class!

Voyagers -    Well done to William for using a loud clear voice for familiar and new words!


w/e 4 October 2024

Buttercups -  Well done to Milena for tasting lots of new foods during our exploration activities!

Daisies -         Well done to Leo for transitioning really well to the hydrotherapy pool!

Dandelions - Well done to Harris for a great swimming session this week!

Daffodils -      Well done to David for getting into the water at swimming!

Poppies -       Well done to Bailey-Mae for great communication work using her Grid 3!

Tulips -           Well done to Ananya for having an excellent horse therapy session and for putting on the helmet!

Lavender -     Well done to Atarah for coping really well in her first full week at her new school!

Sunflowers -  Well done to Jimmy for interacting with peers and staff and engaging with learning!

Roses -           Well done to John Paul for excellent communication during a maths activity! 

Bluebells -      Well done to Haniyah for showing great anticipation skills during morning communication! 

Discoverers - Well done to Marcus for his great copy writing of names on the whiteboard!

Voyagers -     Well done to Albie for joining all activities and transitioning well all week! Especially cooking, shopping and swimming.


w/e 11 October 2024

Buttercups -  Well done to Omer for taking part in his first swimming lesson!

Daisies -         Well done to Konrad for some fantastic walking in the playground and around class!

Dandelions -  Well done to Ava for being super independent during toilet time and changing her own pad!

Daffodils -       Well done to Eman for being a kind friend on the playground!

Poppies -        Well done to Othman for beginning to read CVC words in literacy!

                          Well done to Aidan for great listening and good focus in lessons this week!

Tulips -            Well done to Reese for excellent engagement and participation within bucket sessions!

Sunflowers -  Well done to Ridah for vocalising to request for 'more' of something!

Roses -            Well done to Mithush for a great community and Forest school trip!

                          Well done to Ibrahim for being a super star helper at Forest School!  

Bluebells -      Well done to Abdullah for using a greater variety of facial expressions to communicate his likes and dislikes!

Discoverers - Well done to Zain for standing up in front of everyone and telling them about our Harvest Festival!

Explorers -      Well done to Henry for doing well with both his communication book and Grid on the Ipad!

Voyagers -     Well done to Charlie for an amazing week including great swimming, working in the cafe and confidently joining in                                    learning!

w/e 18 October 2024

Buttercups -  Well done to Dexter for using a sentence to request snack!

                         Well done to Isla for a fantastic transition after her swim session!

Dandelions - Well done to Ohen for a great swimming sessions this week!

Daffodils -      Well done Ramzan for brilliant listening and transitioning with a timer from the cafe and swimming pool!

Poppies -        Well done to the whole class for an amazing trip to the zoo!

Tulips -            Well done to Alman for displaying wonderful interactions with adults and peers!

Lavender -     Well done to Hayyan for excellent engagement in his swimming session!

Sunflower -    Well done to Carter for engaging with phonics and independently finger tracing the letter!

Roses -           Well done to the whole class for excellent engagement and participation within bucket sessions!

Bluebells -      Well done to Yassmin for using her voice purposefully to indicated she wanted more music played on the sensory                                  wheel in class during lunchtime!

Explorers -      Well done to Evelyn for excellent engagement during Creative Arts!

Voyagers -     Well done to Nathan for amazing work in the cafe!

w/e 25 October 2024

Buttercups -   Well done to Harrison for using 2D shapes to make a wonderful pumpkin!

Daisies -          Well done to Ari for tremendous transitioning around school this week!

                          Well done to Saman for fantastic focus during learning activities this week! 

Dandelions -  Well done to the whole class for a great first half term!

Daffodils -       Well done to Eman for being a really kind friend on the playground and in class!

                          Well done to Frankie for using a range of symbols to communicate!

Poppies -        Well done to Sam and Osman for amazing participation in Careers Day!

Tulips -            Well done to the whole class for demonstrating excellent listening and enthusiasm during community!

Lavender -      Well done to Maisie for being confident in class and interacting with her friends!

Sunflowers -   Well done to Harrison for completing classroom jobs with an adult!

Roses -             Well done to Zayn for great lesson engagement and for being super brave having his blood test!

                           Well done to Anas for being a fantastic friend this half term! Well done, Anas!

Bluebells -       Well done to Andra for consistently using both her hands to explore pumpkins during our pumpkin carving session!

Discoverers -  Well done to Bobby and Zain for doing well with having their blood tests at school!

Explorers -       Well done to Jack for amazing switch work during the Shakespeare rehearsals!

Voyagers -      Well done to Casper for an amazing week including a great careers day!

                           Well done to William for blood test!


w/e 8 November 2024

Buttercups -  Well done to Lucy for taking part in some brilliant eye gaze sessions this week!

Daisies -         Well done to Leo for spending lots more time in class this week!

Dandelions - Well done to Nyah for going to the toilet and changing herself independently! 

Daffodils -      Well done to Zhion for brilliant swimming with a noodle and kicking my legs!

Poppies -        Well done to Yasin for initiating play with his friends during community!

Tulips -            Well done to Alfie for having a fantastic week back and following a range of instructions!

                          Well done to Alman for excellent listening and walking during a community visit!

Lavender -      Well done to Hayyan for becoming more confident with walking after injury!

Sunflowers -   Well done to Carter for expressing how he was feeling!

Roses -            Well done to Zayn for independently taking himself to the toilet!  Well done, Zayn!

Bluebells -      Well done to Amber for excellent engagement during table cricket in PE!

Discoverers - Well done to Chetan for having a great first week back at school!

Explorers -      Well done to Henry for transitioning really well into class in the mornings! 


w/e 15 November 2024

Buttercups -  Well done to Isla for making matching pairs in our maths lesson!

Daisies -         Well done to Ari for sitting at the table all week for your lunch and snack and putting rubbish in the bin!

Dandelions - Well done to Alice for trying different foods this week and beginning to chew them!

Daffodils -      Well done to Frankie for brilliant counting independently to 6! 

Poppies -       Well done to Sam for great focus during his maths learning this week!

Tulips -           Well done to Ananya for accepting ear defenders and wearing them for extended periods!

                         Well done to Dayyan for excellent engagement with learning tasks and transitions!

Lavender -     Well done to Jannah for using her words to communicate!

Sunflowers -  Well done to Lexi for building a tall tower independently and using symbols to describe its length!

                          Well done to Jimmy for building a tall tower independently in Numeracy!

Roses -            Well done to Mithush for helping putting away equipment at lunchtime independently!

Bluebells -      Well done to George for requesting more a favoured leisure activity using eye gaze at lunchtime!

Discoverers - Well done to Marcus and Zain for a fantastic performance on stage for Shakespeare!

Explorers -      Well done to Jack for being a fantastic narrator for the school Shakespeare play!

Voyagers -     Well done to Upper School for an amazing Shakespeare performance!


w/e 22 November 2024

Buttercups -   Well done to Omer for playing the drum during our music session!

Daisies -          Well done to Konrad for great focus and attention whilst playing a Grid 3 game!

Dandelions -  Well done to Ava for sitting at the table during lunchtime and eating from her lunch box!

Daffodils -       Well done to Eman for being brave whilst meeting a police officer!

Poppies -        Well done to Everett for great engagement in movement and regulation breaks!

Tulips -            Well done to Abdullah for demonstrating excellent participation during an Attention Autism session!

Lavender -      Well done to Jannah for starting to use her words to communicate!

Sunflowers -  Well done to Ruhi for amazing engagement when role playing to be a police officer!

Roses -            Well done to Charles for a fantastic first week back!  Well done!!!

Bluebells -      Well done to Abdullah for showing an increased awareness of the world around him during our community session!
Explorers -      Well done to Evelyn for doing some great interaction with people around her!

Voyagers -     Well done to Albie for an amazing week of brilliant engagement and being a great friend!


w/e 29 November 2024

Buttercups -  Well done to Harrison for walking safely out in the community during our park visit!

Dandelions - Well done to Levi for playing and engaging with a range of peers on the playground!

Poppies -       Well done to Ismael for increased participation in swimming this week!

                         Well done to Zaina for great participation in PE and gardening!

Tulips -           Well done to Ananya for being really brave and getting on the horse at horse riding!

                         Well done to Alfie for fantastic engagement in a variety of activities with different adults!

Lavender -     Well done to Atarah for developing her engagement skills in learning activities with adult support!

Sunflowers -  Well done to Ridah for starting to engage with adult directed activities!

Roses -           Well done to Bodie for getting into the pool at swimming!

Bluebells -     Well done to Haniyah for her continuous perseverance to regularly take steps in her walker as independently as possible!

Discoverers - Well done to Chetan for a great shift in the cafe this week!

Explorers -      Well done to Evelyn for doing amazing during hydro both with her program and amazing interaction with her teacher!


w/e 13 December 2024

Buttercups -   Well done to Freddie for sitting at the table with more independence during meal times!

                          Well done to Lucy for navigating between two pages during her eye gaze session!

Dandelions -  Well done to Harris for engaging and participating during circle time!

Daffodils -      Well done to Jacob for a brilliant community visit walking around St Albans town centre for the Christmas light trail!

Poppies -        Well done to Osman for increased confidence in PE climbing different apparatus!

                          Well done to Aidan for increased confidence during swimming!

Tulips -           Well done to Samuel for being really brave and getting in the pool for a short period!

                         Well done to Spencer for demonstrating excellent listening whilst doing jobs around the school!

Lavender -     Well done to Riana for developing her gross motor and balancing skills in PE!

Sunflowers -  Well done to Fahad for great engagement and participation in a stage 3 activity during Attention Autism!

Roses -            Well done to Ibrahim and Anas for a great practice of our class performance!

Bluebells -      Well done to Amber for using her vocalisations more consistently when communicating with people around her!

Discoverers - Well done to Zain for fantastic work in the school cafe this week!

Explorers -      Well done to Amber for doing amazing work on the eye-gaze during ECT!


w/e 20th December 2024

Buttercups -   Well done to the whole class for taking part in the Christmas performance!

                          Well done to Milena for being a kind friend!

Daisies -          Well done to Saman for doing some great requesting using objects for snack!

                          Well done to Leo for having a great work with a super swim session and going out on community visit on the bus for                                  the first time!

                           Well done to Ari for a great week of positive transitions around school!

Dandelions -   Well done to the whole class for fantastic work during the Christmas performance!

Daffodils -       Well done to the whole class for brilliant dancing in the Christmas show!

Poppies -         Well done to the whole class for putting on an amazing Christmas performance!

Tulips -             Well done to the whole class for an excellent effort during the Christmas performance and walking to the church!

Sunflowers -    Well done to Ridah for transitioning to the church for Christmas carols!

Roses -             Well done to the whole class for a fantastic term and excellent performance at the Christmas show!

Bluebells -       Well done to Yassmin for fantastic participation during the Christmas performance! 

Discoverers -  Well done to the whole class for a fantastic Christmas performance! Well done!!

Explorers -      Well done to Henry and Evelyn for doing amazing during our Christmas performance!

Voyagers -     Well done to Hannah for using her voice lots this week and really enjoying the festive activities!




2024-2025 Spring Term

w/e 10th January 2025

Buttercups -   Well done to Harrison for sitting so well during circle time lessons this week!

Dandelions -  Well done to Ava for a great first week back and starting to drink out of a cup throughout the day!

Daffodils -       Well done to David for writing instructions to make a fruit salad!

Poppies -        Well done to Osman for interacting and playing games with his friends at forest school!

                          Well done to Sam for transitioning out of the pool during swimming really well!

Tulips -            Well done to Alfie for using his voice all week and for making a new friend!

                          Well done to Dayyan for being adventurous and going into the deep end at swimming!

Lavender -      Well done to Atarah for developing her engagement skills in learning activities throughout the week!

Sunflowers -   Well done to Carter for good engagement and role play in science learning about human life cycle!

Roses -             Well done to Dylan for a fantastic first week back and a great group sensory massage session!

Bluebells -       Well done to Andra for her increased communication throughout the week!

Discoverers -  Well done to Zain for fantastic independence at forest school, completing jobs with limited prompts!

Explorers -       Well done to Amber for doing amazing with her communication and head-switch!

Voyagers -      Well done to Raid for being in class all week doing all his learning in class and finding new ways to spend time with                                          friends!

w/e 17th January 2025

Buttercups -  Well done to Lucy for using her hands to engage with Grid 3 activities!

Daisies -          Well done to Eissa for having a great first full week at Watling View settling in like a superstar!

                          Well done to Konrad for doing some great sitting to standing during his physiotherapy session!

Dandelions -  Well done to Nyah for requesting to use the toilet using symbols!

                          Well done to Harris for using a fork during lunch time with verbal prompts!

Daffodils -       Well done to Mithush for transitioning really well into his new class daffodils!

Poppies -         Well done to Yasin for an amazing horse therapy session!

Tulips -             Well done to Reese for using a range of communication tools to make requests - PECs, AAC and boards!

Lavender -      Well done to Elliot for having an excellent week at school and completing all his learning!

Sunflowers -   Well done to Jimmy for being very brave and participating with his very first horse riding session!

Roses -            Well done to John Paul for fantastic engagements and communication with his peers and staff!

Bluebells -      Well done to Abdullah for his amazing ECT work using a head switch!

Discoverers - Well done to Bobby for great engagement, counting and independence in our maths lesson this week!

Explorers -      Well done to Ibrahim for using his voice and engaging really well in class when he has been in!

Voyagers -     Well done to Hannah for using her voice lots and chatting with people around her!

w/e 24th January 2025 

Buttercups -   Well done to Rosie for a great swimming session today!

Dandelions -  Well done to Levi for fantastic writing during this weeks sensory story activity!

Daffodils -       Well done to Jacob for being you!  Good luck on your next adventure!

Poppies -        Well done to Othman for attending to his table learning really well this week!

Tulips -            Well done to Samuel for beginning to accept regulation tools and self-regulate!

Sunflowers -   Well done to Sapphira for being focused and completing sensory circuit!

Roses -            Well done to Charles for great communication and transitions throughout the school!

Bluebells -      Well done to Haniyah for fantastic engagement during her physio session!

Discoverers - Well done to Chetan for great sharing and turn taking with his friends at the park!

Explorers -      Well done to Jack for adapting well to his new standing frame!  Well done!

Voyagers -     Well done to Casper for being really kind to Explorers during AQA groups and great cafe sessions all week!

w/e 31st January 2025

Buttercups -  Well done to Harrison for using a sentence strip to request his snack!

Daisies -         Well done to Ari for excellent engagement in learning activities!

                         Well done to Leo and Teddy for excellent engagement in learning activities and music therapy!

Dandelions - Well done to Alice for getting dressed by herself for PE!

Daffodils -      Well done to Ramzan for great listening, waiting and participation in learning sessions!

                         Well done to Zhion for great participation in all learning sessions this week including a fab swim!

Poppies -       Well done to Everett for great communication skills - verbally requesting items including adjectives!

Tulips -           Well done to Ananya for participating and trying food within food technology!

Roses -           Well done to Ibrahim for being a very caring friend to a peer who was sad.  Well done!

                         Well done to Enaya for a fantastic week at school!  Well done Enaya!

Bluebells -      Well done to Amber for her excellent work following her hydrotherapy programme in the pool!

Lavender -     Well done to Atarah for following her visual schedule and having an excellent swim session!

Sunflowers -  Well done to Lexi for getting on the horse confidently and being safe!

Discoverers - Well done to Nahemiah for being a superstar when he had his blood test on Thursday!

Explorers -     Well done to Henry for participating super well in PE, engaging during turn taking social games and transitioning well                                 both on community and around school! 

Voyagers -    Well done to Elsie for being a good friend and some brilliant learning this week!

w/e 7th February 2025

Buttercups -   Well done to Dexter for completing his table activities this week!

Daisies -          Well done to Wilf for fantastic focus during learning activities this week!

Dandelions -  Well done to Nyah for doing some fantastic work during phonics this week!

Daffodils -       Well done to David for excellent reading and swimming this week!

                          Well done to Eman for a super star day on Wednesday with 6 happy faces! 

Poppies -        Well done to Bailey-Mae for helping run snack time and responding to peer requests!

Tulips -            Well done to Abdullah for excellent swimming of 4 lengths without a noodle!

Lavender -      Well done to Riana for developing her confidence and getting on a horse for the first time!   

Sunflowers -   Well done to Hannah for making great progress in writing her name!         

Roses -             Well done to John-Paul for excellent communication and amazing interactions with his peers and staff!

Bluebells -       Well done to Haniyah for using her 'more' sign consistently during the What's in the Box session!

Discoverers -  Well done to Shamyutha for good engagement in cooking this week!

Voyagers -      Well done to Charlie for enjoying his haircut!       

w/e 14th February 2025

Buttercups -   Well done to Rosie for attending her first community trip on the bus!

Daisies -          Well done Wilf for consistent use of PECS to request snack this week!

                          Well done to Leo for great participation in ice skating on winter sports day!

Dandelions -  Well done to Levi for some great reading this week during guided reading!

Daffodils -       Well done to Isla for settling into her new class and interacting with new peers!

                           Well done to Mithush for a brilliant week and winter sports day!

                           Well done to Saza for 3 superstar days this week!

Poppies -         Well done to Ismael for great listening and being very helpful around the classroom this week!

Tulips -             Well done to Spencer for excellent ice skating and curling during winter sports day!

                           Well done to Alman for participating within all winter sports day events!

Lavender -      Well done to Hayyan for playing football with his friends on the playground!

Sunflowers -   Well done to Ridah for engaging with winter sports day activities with adults and peers!

Roses -            Well done to Anas for a great half term engaging with Reading Eggs!  Well done!

                           Well done to Ibrahim for being a good friend to a friend in need!

Bluebells -       Well done to Abdullah for independent exploration of the ice hand during the winter senses session!

Discoverers -   Well done to Bobby for a fantastic winter sports day!
Explorers -        Well done to the whole class for a great half term and start to 2025!

Voyagers -       Well done to Albie for an amazing half term of learning on and offsite!

w/e 28th February 2025

Buttercups -    Well done to Freddie for exchanging money for a snack during our maths lesson!

Daisies -   Well done to Ari for great sitting and engaging during circle time and transitioning well when offsite!

Dandelions -   Well done to Levi for doing some fantastic writing during phonics! 

Daffodils -       Well done to Isla for an amazing first ever off-site swim with Daffodils class!

Poppies -         Well done to Yasin for great engagement in gardening and helping make a camp fire!

Tulips -             Well done to Ananya for being really brave and going into the deep end to swim!

                           Well done to Alfie for a fantastic bowling session!

Lavender -       Well done to Maisie for getting on a bus to go to forest school!

Sunflowers -    Well done to Harrison for great engagement with multiple learning activities and following instructions!

Roses -              Well done to John Paul and Dylan for fantastic learning in Literacy this week!

Bluebells -        Well done to Ibrahim for his excellent participation during his first hydro session!

Discoverers -   Well done to Zain for a fantastic first lunch duty in the cafe!

Explorers -        Well done to Amber for doing really well in her standing frame with her new splints after a long time!

Voyagers -       Well done to Raid for great swimming and transitioning to new groups!