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Watling View School


At Watling View the computing curriculum enables pupils to learn about different types of technology and how this can be used in day to day life. Technology plays an important part in the modern world and we see developing individuals confidence in this area as a way of promoting and developing independence, communication and being prepared for adulthood.

Pupils in Lower / Middle school follow a topic based approach to this curriculum meaning that they are able to access a breadth of skills and knowledge throughout the curriculum. Pupils learning in computing is not just limited to discreet lessons, there is an acknowledgement and recognition that to fully prepare pupils for a life beyond school there needs to be regular exposure to technology in all areas of the curriculum and based on the individual need and level of the pupil. Pupils at all phases of the school are regularly exposed to using different forms of technology to access learning. This can include things such as Grid 3, switch based technology, eye gaze and technology which supports day to day living such as cooking and cleaning.

Computing and technology plays an important part in day to day life for our learners, this includes being able to use technology to make choices, understand the world around them and for some individuals using technology as a mode of communication. We also recognise the importance of individuals being safe when using technology, for some individuals this is learning about how to stay safe online and for others we strive to use technology so that each and every individual has a way of communicating their choices, wants, needs and empowering individuals to have a voice.

By having an approach to the computing curriculum in this way it enables pupils at Watling View to develop their confidence in using technology in a wide range of contexts and for a variety of purposes.  

To learn more about computing at Watling View click on the links below