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Watling View School


Hertfordshire Local Offer

The local offer lets parents and young people know what special educational needs and disabilities services are available in Hertfordshire and who can access them. Please click on the link below to access the website. 


The Hertfordshire Local Offer


The local authority is the admissions officer for Watling View School and all referrals are managed by the Special Educational Needs Department. www.hertsdirect.org.

All children admitted to the school have an Education Health Care Plan. Children can be admitted to Watling View at any stage of their school career.

Pupils are only recommended for special schooling after a formal assessment of their educational needs has been made by members of the educational, psychological and medical services in close co-operation with you, as the child's parents. A parental request for a special school is moderated by a Provision Panel, using the Local Authority 'Guidelines for Admission to Special Provision' - although the final decision rests with a Senior SEN Manager from the County Council.

Parents should be aware of the Hertfordshire 'Transport to Special School' policy, as this may affect their preference for any particular school.

If a place is offered at Watling View, then parents are asked to complete a number of forms for administrative purposes. It greatly helps the process of changing schools if these can be completed promptly.







Herts Admissions

Pupil Admissions Policy.pdf